Beginners Dynamic Flow Yoga

Beginners Dynamic Flow Yoga


with Sarah Hague

Tuesdays 7.45 pm – 9.15 pm

These 5 week courses cost £60 (£50 concessions)
The next course starts 12th September 2023

These five week breath and Yoga courses include lots of floor based preparatory body and breath work, leading in to more flowing, dynamic sequences of mindful movement.

This five week course will introduce the fundamental aspects of Vinyasa Yoga, a dynamic, flowing style of Yoga.

Sun salutations, foundational postures and breathing practices will initially be broken down in detail, before being brought together to build to a full flow. Flowing sequences of mindful movement develop strength, flexibility and a sense of calm.

Each course will focus on a specific type of posture (eg. forward folding/ back bending / hip opening / twists)

It is possible to attend this class for some time to build more strength, flexibility and in-depth knowledge of postures before moving up to the Breathe and Flow course.

These 5 week courses cost £60 (£50 concessions).

For more information contact Sarah:

my classes

Breathe and flow

These ten week courses are a mix of dynamic, flowing sequences and quieter floor based movement.

Breathe and flow further

For those with more experience of flowing Yoga styles, these ten week breath and Yoga courses will offer more challenging asana and sequences.

Yoga for Pregnancy

This Yoga for pregnancy class is specifically aimed at women in the second trimester – when you might feel as though you have a little more energy for some movement and exercise!

Yoga for Pregnancy
and Active Birth

These classes will give you all the resources you need for a natural Active Birth.

Mum and baby yoga

These classes offer a relaxed, friendly, supportive environment where you can meet other new mums and bond with your baby.

one – to – one

Private breathwork sessions are for anyone interested in working more deeply with their breath, particularly those with anxiety, panic attacks, asthma, snoring, sleep apnea and digestive issues.