Mum and Baby Yoga

Mum and Baby Yoga


with Sarah Hague

12.00pm – 1.00pm
 1.30pm – 2.30pm

At The Yoga Rooms – Chorlton
Course £88.00 (£64.00 concessions)
For a block of 8 classes to be taken with in a specified 10 week period.
You can join class once baby is 8+ weeks.

During the postnatal period it is important to exercise carefully. Yoga offers a gentle way to stretch out tense areas and to tone and strengthen areas that feel weak.

These classes offer a relaxed, friendly, supportive environment where you can meet other new mums and bond with your baby.

Each student has their own 8 week rolling block – you can start a course anytime your
baby is 8+ weeks old.

For more information contact Sarah:

my classes

Breathe and flow Wednesdays

These ten week – Wednesday evening – courses are a mix of dynamic, flowing sequences and quieter floor based movement.

Breathe and flow Tuesdays

These ten week – Wednesday evening – courses are a mix of dynamic, flowing sequences and quieter floor based movement.

Yoga for Pregnancy
and Active Birth

These classes will give you all the resources you need for a natural Active Birth.

one – to – one

Private breathwork sessions are for anyone interested in working more deeply with their breath, particularly those with anxiety, panic attacks, asthma, snoring, sleep apnea and digestive issues.